Sustainable travel guide


a.s.r. briefed Storyboard Agency for a storytelling campaign focussed on the travel and recreational sector. The goal was to further position the insurance company as the thought leader in sustainability, and leverage their services and products.



Sustainable holidays: it’s possible. Which is exactly what we brought to life. In an online storytelling format titled: Duurzaam reizen (translated: sustainable travelling), celebrity and sustainability authority Katja Schuurman visits sustainable entrepreneurs. With the campaign, a.s.r. showcased holiday alternatives throughout the Netherlands, with sustainability as travel motivation. By showing inspiring stories from various sustainable entrepreneurs in the Netherlands, from ferry tours to hotels and restaurants. The storytelling format resulted in the very first sustainable online travel guide in the Netherlands.



By looking for inspiring stories and an influencer who can convey the message perfectly, this campaign achieved outstanding results. What was striking about this campaign is that we have reached above expectations many unique people (more than 700,000) and most importantly, a.s.r. attracted a large group both consumers as well as sustainable entrepreneurs to join.


GoStudent The Talk

